Sunday, June 5, 2011

Social media created consciousness in the Arab world

By: Manal Abdullah

        In his visit to Zayed University last Monday, Mazen Nahawi , Managing Director of Media Watch Middle East and social eyes researcher, indicated the importance of social media. He said that social media gave people power, speed, rights for freedom, the chance to influence and consciousness which is the most important. Consciousness is a main reason of the recent revolutions in Arab world.

      Mazen added that 85 million Arabs uses internet and 70 million are on Facebook. There are more Arab Facebook users that newspaper readers. The consciousness which is created by social media, made people know that they have the ability to be free and dream about the life they want to live and start make decisions.

     Regarding to the Egyptian revolution, Mr.Nahawi said that “the revolution didn’t need a leader. The 80 million people are the leaders.” Therefore, Arabs now are more conscious of their rights, dreams and their freedom. Social media helped them think ,act , connect and break down barriers freely.

Audio Link: mazen-audio

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